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Galata Tower
Delege Kayıt
Delegate Registration
Invoice Information
Delegate Registration Fee
Fee is included VAT. (VAT 18%)
The invoice for participation fee will be deducted to the person who participate to the conference. If you want that the invoice arrange to your company please inform us and give your company billing information.
This fee includes; lunches and conference gala dinner and also conference bag and refreshments.
The participants should send the application form and the upload payment receipt of registration fee to the coordinator on time.
TMMOB Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisleri Odası İktisadi İşletmesi – (Euro)
Bank Name : Türkiye İş Bankası
Branch Name : Ankara-Mesrutiyet
IBAN : TR09 0006 4000 0024 2130 9122 82
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